There is hardly any industry that has been left untouched by the pneumatic revolution. Pneumatics can be used in simple household tools and in hi-technology industries alike. They range from modest air-driven pistons such as the ones used in vessel air nippers, to impressive multi-activator mining equipment. No matter how large or small, how simple or complicated, all pneumatic equipment uses compressed air, no doubt in different proportions, to power the pneumatic components that eventually drive the tools that they are used in. This equipment is made up of several pneumatic components all of which serve a specific purpose in the working of the tool and all of which are indispensable. However, there are a few main components that are found in every tool in varying specifications.
Compressor - this is the heart of any pneumatic equipment. It is the pump that runs either on gas or electricity. It is responsible for compressing the air to the required limit and most compressors have a tank attached to them. This tank stores the air that will be released into the pneumatic track.
Regulators and gauges - These instruments are attached to either the compressor tank or the compressor itself. An electrical or a mechanical trigger sends the air gushing into the pneumatic track. Depending on whether they are electrically or mechanically run, either a computer system or an operator will monitor and manage the pressure of air within the compressor.
Check valve - these are one-way valves and are attached to the hose that leads from the compressor tank or the compressor, straight to the buffer tank. Once the compressed air accumulates in the buffer tank they prevent it from moving back into the compression chamber. They function on the same lines that the valves of the human heart do.
Buffer tank/ accumulator - these are binary storage units that are attached to the compressor and store the compressed gas that will eventually be pumped into the actuator. They regulate the air-flow and aid the compressor in maximizing its shut-off time. In projects where a distance needs to be maintained between the compressor and the site, these buffer tanks come in handy.
Feed lines - these are hoses that facilitate the flow of pressurized air right through the system.
Directional Valves - these valves are placed just prior to the actuators and their main function is to stop, release or re-direct the compressed air to the actuators at the desired time interval.
Actuators - all the actual work is done by this component and all the various kinds of actuators are air-pressure powered. The most commonly used ones are the cylinder and plunge actuators. The flow of pressurized air that is forced into the cylinder pushes the piston of the actuator forward. Some or all of these pneumatic components are found in dentistry equipment, hi-powered industry tools as well as in vessel air nippers. These air nippers are power cutters that are used in numerous applications like gripping, nipping, punching, cutting and bending metals and plastics. They are used extensively in the jewellery industry to cut and bend precious metals like platinum, gold and silver and in robotics as well. Varied models are available as are varied capacities and are a perfect addition for an industrial or factory setting or a home workshop.
Resource box:
DAS Services Inc is a provider of the best pneumatic components in the market. The vessel air nippers that they supply are top-of-the-line pneumatic tools and are used extensively in various heavy-duty and delicate applications.
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